7 Things You Didn't Know About Your PS4

These seven hidden features will help you get the most from your PS4.

PlayStation and PS Messages Apps

Even if you’re using the gyroscopic typing feature, and you can quickly switch between applications now that you’ve read our helpful tips, nobody wants to be pulled out of a game. Luckily, Sony has developed two apps for your phone that will make it easy for you to remain in-game, but also keep up with any of your PS messages and notifications.

Head to your Android or iOS app store and search for PlayStation or PS4. You should find both the PlayStation app, as well as the PS Messages app. One of them will allow you to keep up with general PS4 notifications, and the other is used specifically for PS4 messages. The PS Messages app is particularly useful since typing with your phone is much more intuitive than your PS4, but would it have killed them to roll both apps into one?



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