7 Things You Didn't Know About Destiny 2

The Darkness, The Exo Stranger and Paul McCartney, you say?

Three New Subclasses

Destiny 2 is going to introduce Guardians to three new subclasses, all of which are playable during the beta with fully unlocked customization options.

Hunters are getting the Arcstrider, Warlocks are getting the Dawnblade, and Titans are getting the Sentinel. These subclasses will obviously have a huge impact on how the game is played, and over time players will develop a PvP meta that forces Bungie to tweak and patch to change things up. For now, however, we advise that you try all three subclasses by creating three characters, and completing the Homecoming mission, Inverted Spire Strike, and getting some time in with PvP.


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