Top World of Tanks GIFs of the Week - Week 2

The second one will restore your faith in tankers.

Some Superheroes Drive Tanks

If you’ve played a decent number of battles in World of Tanks, there’s a good chance you’ve flipped your tank over on accident at some point. Depending on your situation, a teammate may come to correct your tank by pushing it back over, which we see in this GIF below.

In this top World of Tanks GIF of the week, not only did the player help roll over his turtled ally, but he also incurred a shot that was likely meant for his flipped teammate. This is proof that not all heroes wear capes.

Source: Angry_Flying_Turtles


Larryn is a full-time editor who has written guides and editorial features for various gaming websites. She is obsessed with Witcher 3 and is known to put hot sauce on everything.


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