Valentine's Day Gifts for the World of Tanks Player

The last one won't cost you a dime, but it might cost you your sanity.

Adopt a Tomato

For the World of Tanks player on a budget, the final Valentine's Day gift won't cost you a dime. It will require that you invest some time and show some patience, so there's that to keep in mind.

If you'd rather give back to the World of Tanks community while you're celebrating Valentine's Day, consider adopting a tomato. What is a tomato in World of Tanks, you ask? It's a long story, but the basic idea is that a tomato is a player who could use some help improving. If you are someone who has thousands of battles and is tired of seeing Heavy Tanks go where they shouldn't, or any other errors that can cost your team the match, consider taking one of these players under your wing. Reach out to them in-game, or even head to the subreddit and look for their monthly thread that encourages you to adopt a tomato.

There are varying degrees of tomatoes in World of Tanks
There are varying degrees of tomatoes in World of Tanks

Hopefully this list helped you narrow down your Valentine's Day gift options for that special tanker in your life. Let us know what gift you went with in the comments below.


Larryn is a full-time editor who has written guides and editorial features for various gaming websites. She is obsessed with Witcher 3 and is known to put hot sauce on everything.


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