Spelunky 2

Spelunky 2 gets a confirmed release date

After years of careful development, Spelunky 2 has finally been given an official release date.


Spelunky 2 delayed until 2020

You'll have to wait a little bit longer to throw your friends at an angry Shopkeep.

Spelunky 2 gets new gameplay trailer, 2019 release date

A closer look at the new maps, characters, and items in Spelunky 2.

Spelunky 2 Confirmed at Paris Games Week Conference

A sequel to the beloved indie roguelike game is currently in the works. 

Top Sony PlayStation Indies from Paris Games Week 2017

A roundup of the biggest indie games announced at Sony’s Paris Games Week 2017 media showcase.

Sony shows off tons of indie titles at Paris Games Week

Hong Kong Massacre! Oure! A Spelunky 2 logo!