How to make Teh Tarik in Coffee Talk

Keep your customers happy by learning how to make Teh Tarik in Coffee Talk.

So, you just about got comfortable using the coffee grinder and pumping out espressos, but now someone has arrived in your shop and asked for you to make a Teh Tarik. What on earth is that? Oh no, we’re about to be shown up for the barista fraud we are! Hold up, don’t panic. We’ve already been through all that so you don’t have to. In this guide we’ll teach you how to make Teh Tarik in Coffee Talk so you can keep your customers happy.

How to make Teh Tarik in Coffee Talk

How to make Teh Tarik in Coffee Talk
© Toge Productions

Orc video game developer Myrtle will ask you to make a Teh Tarik once you’ve made it through a healthy part of Coffee Talk’s story. Not one to be chatty, she won’t give you much information on what’s included in the drink. The good news is, we’ve included the ingredients below. Here’s how to make Teh Tarik in Coffee Talk:

  • Tea
  • Tea
  • Milk

Teh Tarik is really simple to make in Coffee Talk, once you know the ingredients. In the real world it’s an incredibly popular drink in southeast Asia, made of black tea, condensed milk and optional sugar. So popular, in fact, that it’s the national drink of Malaysia. As Coffee Talk notes, the drink is prepared by pouring the mixture back and forth between two containers, creating a frothy texture. It may not have reached such popularity in the West, but in Coffee Talk, people appreciate a good Teh Tarik.

So you’ve learned how to make a Teh Tarik, but to impress Coffee Talk’s customers you’ll want to learn how to make more hot drinks. Click the links below for a few more guides and articles about the game.

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at, or catch him on Twitter.


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