Where to find Riven in Destiny 2

Where is Riven in Destiny 2? We've tracked down this big bad boss' location so you don't have to.

If you’re wrapping up the final challenges for The Dawning 2019, you may have noted that, along with all your friends, you need to deliver a treat to Riven as well. This particular person isn’t a Guardian or Tower staple, in fact they’re a boss in a raid! If you’re wondering where to find Riven in Destiny 2, we’ll help you out with the guide below.

Where to find Riven in Destiny 2

Where is Riven in Destiny 2
Remind us again why you want us to feed Riven cookies, Eva?
© Bungie

So where is Riven in Destiny 2? Well, they’re actually the final boss of the Last Wish raid. That’s a lengthy mission with plenty of tough fights, but if you’re just looking to deliver some Thousand Layer Cookies for The Dawning, you’re in luck. Follow the steps below and you’ll be able to serve up a treat to this terrifying foe without even taking part in the fight.

  • Start the Last Wish raid.
  • Approach the Wall of Wishes.
  • Align the symbols for Wish 7 (see below) to be teleported to Riven’s lair.
  • Once you hit the ground, look around for a snowglobe.
  • Place the Thousand Layer Cookies inside to feed the beast.
  • Fight Riven or flee for your life!
Where to find Riven in Destiny 2
You can find Riven in the Last Wish raid in Destiny 2.
© Bungie

Thanks to our friends at Prima for use of their image.

The trickiest part to this challenge is learning the symbol order for Wish 7, so we’ve stuck that an in image above for you. Of course, you can always play through the full Raid as normal if you want a bit more of a challenge. Riven of a Thousand Voices loves cookies but that won’t stop them from chewing your face off if you get too close. If you don’t want a fight afterwards, be sure to nope out of there quickly once you’ve dropped off that tasty treat. For a full breakdown of the other Wishes in the Last Wish Raid, check out this helpful guide by our pals at Shacknews.

Looking for more Destiny 2 guides? Make sure you wrap up all of The Dawning 2019 quests with these helpful tips and tricks:

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at henry@moonrock.biz, or catch him on Twitter.


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