What's a Brilliant Aura in Pokemon Sword and Shield?

Explaining what a Brilliant Aura is in Pokemon Sword and Shield and whether it's something worth paying attention to.

In Pokemon Sword and Shield, players who’ve heard the phrase “Brilliant Aura” in reference to a Pokemon are bound to have a few questions. What does it mean when a Pokemon has a Brilliant Aura in Sword and Shield? Is it something worth paying closer attention to? To help simplify everything, we’ve put together a quick guide explaining what a Brilliant Aura is in Pokemon Sword and Shield!

What’s a Brilliant Aura in Pokemon Sword and Shield?

What's a Brilliant Aura in Pokemon Sword and Shield
In Pokemon Sword and Shield, the Brilliant Aura is used to indicate a special Pokemon with three "best stats" (IVs) and may also come with an Egg Move. 
© Game Freak, IGN

To start, a Brilliant Aura is a golden glow that surrounds a Pokemon in Sword and Shield. As you wander through a Wild Area or Route, you may see a Pokemon that looks as though it’s surrounded in gold light. When you battle the Pokemon, the gold light disappears.

If you played Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu and Eevee, a similar effect was in place, though the red and blue glow in Let’s Go was used to distinguish large and tiny Pokemon. In Pokemon Sword and Shield, the concept of a “Brilliant Aura” is completely new and serves as a way to help you identify special Pokemon.

Specifically, a Pokemon with a Brilliant Aura is guaranteed three “best stats” (IVs) and may also come with an Egg Move. As such, catching Pokemon with a Brilliant Aura is well worth your time. Another thing that’s nice is that you don’t need to unlock the IV Judge to see Pokemon with a Brilliant Aura in Pokemon Sword and Shield.

By simply wandering around and looking for a Pokemon with a Brilliant Aura, you’ll know they have better stats than regular Pokemon and as such, are worth catching.

Now that you know what a Brilliant Aura is in Pokemon Sword and Shield, we have a few other guides we think are worth your time including all supported controllers for Pokemon Sword and Shield, whether you can visit other regions in Pokemon Sword and Shield, and what the Max Level Cap is in Pokemon Sword and Shield.

Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at morgan.shaver@allgamers.com or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.


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