How to enter Crazy Willie's Garage in Days Gone

Find out how to get inside of Crazy Willie's Garage while playing Days Gone.

In Days Gone, players will have to complete a variety of tasks, including finding a way to enter Crazy Willie’s Garage. At first glance, this seems relatively straightforward. However, as you walk around the building, you’ll quickly notice that there’s no easy way to get inside. Because Days Gone avoids excessive hand-holding, you’re left to puzzle out how to get inside on your own.

To help you out, we’ve put together a complete guide on how to enter Crazy Willie’s Garage in Days Gone!

How to Enter Crazy Willie’s Garage in Days Gone

The only way to enter Crazy Willie's Garage in Days Gone is through a hole in the roof.
The only way to enter Crazy Willie's Garage in Days Gone is through a hole in the roof.
© SIE Bend Studio

The quest that tasks you with entering Crazy Willie’s Garage is available right at the beginning of the Days Gone campaign. After you follow the objective marker placed on your map, you’ll come across Crazy Willie’s Garage. As you walk around and inspect the building (while picking off nearby enemies), you’ll notice that there’s no clear way to get inside.

The exterior is completely locked and shuttered, with no viable windows for entry either. Fortunately, there is a way to get inside, and all it requires is a little climbing on your part. To enter Crazy Willie’s Garage in Days Gone, you’ll first need to head to the back and approach the garage from behind. Look around for a shed that’s hugging the garage off towards the right.

Using this shed, you should be able to climb on top of Crazy Willie’s Garage. Here, you’ll need to pick off the enemies lurking around the roof area, while also looking for a broken section that you can drop down into. Note that this broken patch of roof is the only way to enter Crazy Willie’s Garage, so once you spot it, use it to gain access to the inside of the building.

After you drop through the hole, you will likely encounter a few more enemies, all of which should be easy to deal with via melee. With these enemies taken care of, you’re free to walk around and complete the rest of the quest by finding the missing Fuel Pump for Deacon. This Fuel Pump can be acquired by interacting with a motorcycle that’s up on a table in the back near a broken car.

When you’re done scavenging for supplies, you can simply exit out of the front door by unlocking it from the inside. For a visual aid on accessing the inside of Crazy Willie's Garage, we've included a helpful video down below courtesy of YouTube user Thane ME2

Now that you know how to enter Crazy Willie’s Garage in Days Gone, be sure to check out some of our other Days Gone guides including whether to give the Drug Stash to Tucker or Copeland in Days Gone, how to heal using items in Days Gone, and where to get more Fuel in Days Gone.

Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.

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