The best indie games released on Switch in 2018

This year's been jam-packed with superb indie releases. Here's our choice of the best to arrive on Nintendo Switch in 2018.

Night in the Woods

Infinite Fall’s characterful coming of age tale finally made the jump to Switch this year and remains every bit as great thanks to sharp, relevant writing that mixes light, irreverent humor with darker, more serious themes. The inhabitants of Possum Springs are the real stars here, so if you’re after a character-driven experience then Night in the Woods will be right up your street.


After much waiting, Digital Extremes’ multiplayer space-ninja shoot ‘n’ slicer has arrived on Nintendo Switch this month, and even if you’ve previously played on other platforms it’s possible to transfer your progress across rather than start anew. The sheer quantity of content added to the free-to-play title over the years is enough to keep you busy for countless hours, and the fact that there’s still a thriving community is testament to Warframe’s appeal.


From the creators of Limbo, Inside offers up a superior tale of tension and mystery that earned it the title of Best Independent Game at The Game Awards 2016, along with numerous BAFTA Games Awards in 2017. The less you know about Inside’s story, the better, so if you haven’t played it already then you really do need to grab it as soon as you can on Switch.

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at, or catch him on Twitter.


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