5 Best Guns in Battlefield 1

Here are our picks for some of the best guns in Battlefield 1.


The best gun for the medic class is a toss-up between the Selbstlader M1916 and the Mondragón. Both have comparable damage stats, but we’ve decided on the Mondragón as the best gun for the medic class due to its better rate of fire and decent accuracy at middle to long range.

The Mondragón Storm gets a foregrip for better control that allows medics to quickly get out of tough situations. Even players who don’t have great aim or accuracy can do relatively well with the Mondragón. If you need a long range option but don’t want to change from the medic class, go for the Mondragón Marksman, as it equips a bipod and scope for long range encounters like other sniper variants. There’s no automatic fire mode on the Mondragón, but with its overall balance and handling, you probably wouldn’t need it. 


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