Tekken 7 - Tier List and Best Characters

Find out which characters are the current top picks in Tekken 7.

With so many characters to choose from in Tekken 7, it can be difficult to decide which characters are the best. As with most fighting games, Tekken 7’s roster of characters can be graded on a tier list, which essentially ranks them from best to worst. We’ve compiled a tier list below to help players determine which characters are best for ranked competitive play in Tekken 7. 

Tekken 7 Tier List

Tier lists are organized using letter grades. S-Tier contains the best all-around characters, while F-Tier contains some of the weakest fighters. The following tier list is mainly based off selections from Japanese pro players over on Ranked Boost.   

Tier lists aren’t set in stone and are subject to change over time. Some of the lower tier characters may still perform well, despite not being top tier. This tier list simply acts as a quick reference guide to help you get an idea of which characters are considered the best for playing Ranked in Tekken 7. 



S-Tier Steve Fox, Hwoarang
A-Tier Bryan Fury, King, Kazuya Mishima, Marshall Law, Sergei Dragunov
B-Tier Akuma, Bob, Devil Jin, Feng Wei, Heihachi Mishima, Kazumi Mishima, Nina Williams, Xiaoyu
C-Tier Alisa, Claudio Serafino, Lars, Lili, Leo Kliesen, Paul Phoenix, Shaheen, Yoshimitsu
D-Tier Josie Rizal, Jack-7
F-Tier Asuka, Gigas, Lucky Chloe

Steve Fox, and Hwoarang are considered the best characters right now in Tekken 7, with other series favorites like Marshall Law and Kazuya Mishima not far behind. Kazumi and Akuma are among the only new characters to rank within the top three tiers. 

Since this tier list is still a work in progress, some of the characters have not yet been added. We will update this Tekken 7 tier list soon, so be sure to check back here for details.


Larryn is a full-time editor who has written guides and editorial features for various gaming websites. She is obsessed with Witcher 3 and is known to put hot sauce on everything.

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