Destiny: How to Beat Golgoroth Challenge - King's Fall

Everything you need to know about the Golgoroth Challenge mode in Destiny’s King’s Fall raid.

This guide will show you how to beat the Golgoroth Challenge in the King’s Fall raid. As part of the Age of Triumph, Bungie has lifted all of Destiny’s old raids to 390 Light and applied Challenge Modes to the two old ones that didn’t have them.

The raids that did have Challenge Modes like King’s Fall and Wrath of the Machine kept the same challenges but have the increased Light. The Golgoroth Challenge can be one of the more difficult challenges, as it involves a lot of moving parts. Be sure to check out our other Destiny Challenge Mode guides.

How to Beat the Golgoroth King’s Fall Challenge

To beat the Golgoroth Challenge, each player must hold Golgoroth’s Gaze one time per damage phase. This means, whenever someone takes Golgoroth’s Gaze after clearing the minions, you cannot lose his Gaze until all six players have held it.

Thankfully, you don’t need to hold Golgoroth’s Gaze for the full duration, you can pass it off as soon as his back opens.

Golgoroth Challenge Guide

There are a few ways you can breeze through the Golgoroth Challenge mode in the King’s Fall raid, but there are two primary ways groups like to approach this challenge. We will detail both of them below.

The first method of completing the Golgoroth Challenge is to assign everyone a number from 1 to 6, and each player takes Golgoroth’s Gaze off the number before them. Number two would take Golgoroth’s Gaze from number one, number three would take it off of two, and so forth.

An easy way to achieve this is to have the players spread out around the perimeter of the arena when it’s time for everyone to hold the Gaze. Have the leader call out the number that must take the Gaze next, and calmly proceed through the numbers until the sixth. Once the sixth player has Golgoroth’s Gaze, prepare for the next round.

Be wary, after the sixth player holds the Gaze it will say “Failed to capture Golgoroth’s Gaze,” despite the fact that you've successfully passed the Gaze around all six players.

Having a player distract Golgoroth can help him turn around, allowing you easy access to his back - the part you must shoot to capture his Gaze.
Having a player distract Golgoroth can help him turn around, allowing you easy access to his back - the part you must shoot to capture his Gaze.

In order to deal damage using this method, you should proceed through the fight, clearing the minions until you are ready to take Golgoroth’s Gaze. The player who is going to be taking the Gaze first should inform everyone else to begin taking down the Pool of Reclaimed Light that is attached to the ceiling. As the Bubble drops, the player should grab the Gaze.

At this point, the first player should begin counting down the timer while shooting the darts. When the counter gets low, the second player who is taking the Gaze should get into a position where they can take it. As soon as the second player has the Gaze, the remaining players should disperse to locations where they can pass it around.

Keep your cool and shoot the four darts that Golgoroth shoots. If you're a Hunter who is holding the Gaze, take a moment to fire a tether.
Keep your cool and shoot the four darts that Golgoroth shoots. If you're a Hunter who is holding the Gaze, take a moment to fire a tether.

An option to consider is that when the last person holds the Gaze, you can pop another Pool of Reclaimed Light and get a bounce damage phase in. This will help you clear the Challenge Mode faster than doing a single bubble.

The second method that groups like to use for the Golgoroth Challenge is to have all five players group up on one side after finishing damaging him for the first time. Then, one by one, they shoot him in the back and run around the arena until they reach the opposite side, then the next player grabs Golgoroth’s Gaze.

Doing a two-Pool of Reclaimed Light run can limit the amount of times people need to hold Golgoroth's Gaze.
Doing a two-Pool of Reclaimed Light run can limit the amount of times people need to hold Golgoroth's Gaze, as you can defeat Golgoroth sooner.

This strategy can be good for teams that suffer from poor communication, as it doesn’t involve remembering anything. However, the problem is that the person holding the Gaze doesn’t have time to shoot the darts and instead relies on their allies to kill them. It also includes a lot of movement, and the more you’re running around the arena, the more likely something could go wrong.

Whatever method you choose to use to beat the Golgoroth Challenge Mode, just remember it can be helpful to have someone call out what everyone is doing, as some players struggle to keep track of what is going on. If you read this guide, you should now know how to beat the Golgoroth Challenge in the King’s Fall raid.

Sam Chandler is the Australian piece of the AllGamers puzzle. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. You can reach Sam through Twitter, @SamuelChandler, or through his email,, at any time of the day or night on either side of the globe.


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