Yooka-Laylee - All Pagies in Hivory Towers - Hub

Where to find all the Pagies hidden around Hivory Tower in Yooka-Laylee.

This guide will show you where to find all Pagies in Hivory Tower, the main area that acts as a hub between all the other worlds in Yooka-Laylee. These Pagies often require certain skills, which are unlocked as you progress through the game, meaning you may have to return to a Pagie at a later time to collect it.

All Pagies in Hivory Towers Hub

  1. The first Pagie can be found as soon as you enter Hivory Tower and is sitting on top of the golden statue of Capital B. Use the platforms in the area to reach it. 
  2. Another Pagie is locked in a cage before the Tribalstack Tropics Grand Tome. You will need the Slurp Shot skill to free it. Eat the fire seeds and then shoot the torches, lighting them up in the correct order to spell the word “Pagie”. 
  3. A Pagie is stuck in the heat pipe above the Tribalstack Tropics Grand Tome. To get it, you must use the Reptile Rush skill on top of the red pipe on the left side. Run down the pipe and collect the Pagie, but be careful as the fire will hurt you. 
  4. This Pagie can be found in the room with the golden statue of Capital B. You will need the Slurp Shot skill to free it. Use the water seed and put out the fire to collect the Pagie. 
  5. Find this Pagie near the Glitterglaze Glacier Grand Tome in an library called the Archives. It is behind a glass wall. To reach the Pagie, you must go through the correct doors, which is this: left door, climb up to the next level, right door, go into the adjoining room, and then the right door. 
  6. This Pagie is above the Grand Tomb to Glitterglaze Glacier, you will need to jump up the snow-covered pipes to reach it. 
  7. This Pagie is located near the Glitterglaze Glacier Grand Tome; it is being blown back and forth between two pipes. You will need the Glide skill in order to collect the Pagie. 
  8. From the previous Pagie, head further into the area past the INEPT robots. Behind a barricade is a beehive, use the Slurp State skill on the beehive to become sticky and then race to the end of the path and roll up the slippery slope to find the Pagie at the top. 
  9. A Pagie can be found in Shipwreck Creek near the pirate ship when you first start the game. Head up the ramp in the back and use Buddy Slam on the cannon to make him cough out the Pagie. 
  10. Another Pagie is also in Shipwreck Creek. You will need to use the rolling skill to roll up the steep ramp, climb along the cliff, over the spinning platform to reach the Pagie. 
  11. This Pagie is in the Waterworks section of Hivory Tower near the Moodymaze Marsh Grand Tome. Below the water is a Pagie in a cage, you will need to use Bubble Walk to press the button, which activates a race below the water. Pass through the checkpoints to unlock the cage and claim your Pagie. 
  12. This Pagie is locked in a cage next to the Moodymaze Marsh Grand Tome. Slam the button to release the Pagie, but then you’ll have to catch it! 
  13. Another Pagie is locked near a security camera near the Moodymaze Marsh Grand Tome, to get it without triggering the camera you need to receive the Camo Cloak from Trowzers on the way to Capital Cashino. 
  14. Another Pagie can be found in the Novel Hovel room in the main hub that holds the Capital Cashino Grand Tome. From the Capital Cashino Grand Tome, head outside, turn right, and head up to Vendi who is standing on top of some books. From Vendi, use the platforms near the Mr Blowys to reach the upper section of the area. Inside is a room filled with six giant books you will need to push and pull onto the right buttons. A chime will indicate that the book is on the right button. The correct position for the books, starting from the left is: close, far, far, close, far, and close – where “far” is further away from the entrance and “close” is near the entrance. 
  15. Another Pagie is found near the Capital Cashino Grand Tome. From the Grand Tome, head right and look for the bridge next to some giant books. Use the Reptile Rush skill against the books to knock them down like dominoes to press a button at the end, opening a door to the Pagie. 
  16. This Pagie is in Rextro’s Arcade near the Archive. To collect it, you will need to use the Sonar ‘Splosion skill to smash the arcade’s glass. 
  17. Another Pagie can be found in the area near the Galleon Galaxy Grand Tome. You will need to use Flappy Flight to enter a pipe across from the Grand Tome and up high. Once through the door, race down a track made of lazer grids and blockages. This is one of the more difficult tasks in the game as the margin of error is extremely small. A lot of the success will be based on luck, as some of the gates will be on odd timers. Keep racing and learning the track. It’s also better to hold back on the stick to slow down instead of getting electrocuted. 
  18. Another Pagie can be unlocked by heading through the toxic gas-filled pipe before the security camera door that leads to Capital Cashino. You will need to have the Sonar Shield skill before you can make it to the end of the tunnel to collect the Pagie. 
  19. Another Pagie can be found up high in a corridor before the security door that leads to Capital Cashino. This corridor is the one where Trowzers teachers you the Sonar Shield skill. You will need to use Flappy Flight to fly up to the top of the green sludge-filled tunnel and enter a small hole in the wall where a lot of butterflies are gathered. Once inside, you’ll see a Pagie in a cagie with five torches behind him. To free the Pagie you must pop the balloons, causing them to drop a letter. Pick up all the letters to spell out “Pagie” and the cage will unlock. 
  20. The final Pagie in Hivory Tower can be found in the hub area just outside of the Galleon Galaxy Grand tome and before you enter the courtyard with the elevator. There is a large door beside Vendi that has a fan at the end, with a Pagie tied up with a rope. You will need to use Reptile Rush repeatedly in order to reach the Pagie at the end. Watch out for the INEPT robots that spawn towards the back of the tunnel.

A lot of the Pagies in Hivory Tower require specific skills to unlock, but some of them can be collected with some tricky jumping. Be sure to revisit older areas when you unlock new skills to ensure you don’t miss anything, such as the Butterfly Boosters or Power Extenders. If you read this guide, you should now know where to find all Hivory Tower Pagies in Yooka-Laylee.

Sam Chandler is the Australian piece of the AllGamers puzzle. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. You can reach Sam through Twitter, @SamuelChandler, or through his email, sam.chandler@allgamers.com, at any time of the day or night on either side of the globe.

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