All 8 Crystal Heart Locations and Solutions in Celeste

where you can find all 8 Crystal Hearts and how to obtain them in Celeste.

If you’ve been enjoying the indie hit Celeste, you may find yourself seeking out all of the game’s Crystal Heart locations, each of which requires a unique solution before you can actually obtain a Crystal Heart.

While these collectibles aren’t required to complete Celeste, they definitely serve as a fun scavenger hunt for completionists. There are a total of 8 Crystal Hearts in all, one for each different level in Celeste.

To help you complete your collection, we put together a quick guide featuring all 8 Crystal Heart locations and solutions in Celeste!

All 8 Crystal Heart Locations and Solutions in Celeste

All Crystal Heart locations in Celeste
Below, we'll walk you through the process of finding and collecting all 8 Crystal Hearts in Celeste.

Crystal Heart #1

The first Crystal Heart can be found in Chapter 1 of Celeste. Here, you’ll arrive at a satellite with various birds flying around it.

These birds serve as an important puzzle clue in regards to the directions you need to dash. To solve this puzzle, use the dash combo:

  • Up, Left, Down-Right, Up-Right, Left, Up-Left.

Upon successfully completing the dash combo, the birds will reward you with the first Crystal Heart in Celeste.

Crystal Heart #2

Where to find all Crystal Hearts in Celeste
Crystal Heart #2 can be obtained by using your dash ability to scale a wall at the beginning of Chapter 2 in Celeste.

The second Crystal Heart can be found in Chapter 2 of Celeste. In this chapter, you’ll need to focus on recharging your dash ability in order to obtain the Crystal Heart.

At the beginning of the chapter (when standing next to the fire), go up the nearby wall and use zigzag motions to push the wall, moving yourself farther and farther up the top.

Try and avoid losing momentum. Eventually, you’ll scale high enough up the wall to obtain the second Crystal Heart in Celeste.

Crystal Heart #3

Where to find all Crystal Hearts in Celeste
Crystal Heart #3 can be found by pressing a large button in Chapter 3 of Celeste.

The third Crystal Heart can be found in Chapter 3 of Celeste. Upon opening Chapter 3, you’ll encounter a large button which activates the ordering of the towels.

After pressing the button, a new direction to head in will appear on your right. Dash through the water and up into the newly unlocked secret location, then make your way through the various rooms.

Eventually, you’ll find yourself under the library floor next to the third Crystal Heart in Celeste.

Crystal Heart #4

All 8 Crystal Heart Locations in Celeste
Crystal Heart #4 can be found by heading to the area full of drying clothes in Chapter 4 of Celeste.

The fourth Crystal Heart can be found in Chapter 4 of Celeste. At this time, you’ll need to activate the elevator cube in order to bring yourself up to the area full of drying clothes. Head right, and you’ll eventually stumble upon a secret passage underneath the water.

Continue through the passage until you notice a strawberry in the next room. Here, you’ll want to head to the right by breaking the wall. This will take you to the next section where you need to head up, and in doing so, will encounter the fourth Crystal Heart in Celeste.

Crystal Heart #5

Where to find all Crystal Hearts in Celeste
Crystal Heart #5 can be found by heading through a second locked door in Chapter 5 of Celeste.

The fifth Crystal Heart can be found in Chapter 5 of Celeste. In the chapter, you’ll eventually reach a locked door.

Don’t open this door right away. Instead, use Red Orbs to make your way through an alternate path which will take you to a different locked door.

At this point in the game, you should have already acquired the key needed to unlock this door. Unlock the door, enter, and on the far end of this secret section you’ll find the fifth Crystal Heart in Celeste.

Crystal Heart #6

How to get all Crystal Hearts in Celeste
Crystal Heart #6 can be found by using the correct dash combo to activate all four torches in Chapter 6 of Celeste.

The sixth Crystal Heart can be found in Chapter 6 of Celeste. Once you fall through a crack in the ground, you’ll arrive at Chapter 6’s waterfall. Use the Feathers item in order to scale to the top of the waterfall, then head left.

At the end of this section, you’ll spot a secret passage. Head through it and you’ll encounter a room with four torches. Note that each torch requires a dash combo to activate. The dash combo for each torch is as follows:

  • Torch 1: Up, Left, Down-Right, Up-Right, Left, Up-Left
  • Torch 2: Up, Right, Down-Left, Up-Left, Right, Up-Right
  • Torch 3: Down, Left, Up-Right, Down-Right, Left, Down-Left
  • Torch 4: Down, Right, Up-Left, Down-Left, Right, Down-Right

By using the correct dash combo for each torch, you should be able to activate all four. Upon activating all four torches, the sixth Crystal Heart in Celeste will appear before you.

Crystal Heart #7

Crystal Heart Locations Celeste
Crystal Heart #7 can be found once you've collected all of the Jewels in Chapter 7 of Celeste.

The seventh Crystal Heart can be found in Chapter 7 of Celeste. This is arguably the hardest Crystal Heart to collect, as it requires you to track down 6 different Jewels before you’re able to unlock the seventh Crystal Heart at the end of the chapter.

Below, we’ve listed the locations of all 6 Jewels needed to collect the seventh Crystal Heart in Celeste.

  • Jewel 1: Found at the beginning of Chapter 7 before the Purple Orb. Before you go up, head right to collect Jewel #1.
  • Jewel 2: Proceed through Chapter 7 until you encounter the hidden section where you can jump down. There, you’ll find Jewel #2.
  • Jewel 3: This Jewel is located in the same hidden section as Jewel #2. Proceed forward, and you’ll eventually encounter a damaged wall. Break the wall to collect Jewel #3.
  • Jewel 4: The fourth Jewel can be found in the Haunted Laundry section of Chapter 7.
  • Jewel 5: In the section after Haunted Laundry, head left and look for a hole in the ceiling. Head up through it to find Jewel #5.
  • Jewel 6: After getting Jewel #5, use the Red Orb located at the beginning of the next section to head left through the wall. Use the other Red Orbs along the way to continue through a series of invisible walls. Eventually, you’ll encounter Jewel #6 and can proceed forward to the end of the puzzle.

With all 6 Jewels collected, head to the end of Chapter 7 and you’ll notice a pathway on your right. Head through it and you’ll be able to collect the seventh Crystal Heart in Celeste.

Crystal Heart #8

Where to get the Crystal Hearts in Celeste
Crystal Heart #8 can be obtained by completing Chapter 8 of Celeste.

The eighth Crystal Heart can be found in Chapter 8 of Celeste. This is the easiest Crystal Heart to collect, as the only requirement is that you complete Chapter 8. Once you’ve completed Chapter 8, you’ll be able to obtain the eighth and final Crystal Heart in Celeste.

The process of collecting all 8 Crystal Hearts in Celeste will take some time, as you need to fully explore each and every chapter in order to locate these elusive Crystal Hearts. Hopefully our instructions listed above helped make the process of obtaining all 8 Crystal Hearts in Celeste a little bit easier!

By reading through this guide, you should now know the locations of all 8 Crystal Hearts and how to obtain them in Celeste.

Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.

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