Cook, Serve, Delicious 2 - How to Start Your First Day

A look at starting your first day, completing orders, and using your Holding Station in Cook, Serve, Delicious 2.

If you recently picked up Cook, Serve, Delicious 2, you may have trouble figuring out how to start your first day. This is because, as of right now, there are no mouse commands.

Instead, you’ll need to use your keyboard to navigate through the various menu options in Cook, Serve, Delicious 2. In addition, there are a variety of new mechanics introduced to the game, all of which need to be mastered before you can start (and finish) your first day.

To help make things a bit easier, we put together a quick guide on how to start your first day in Cook, Serve, Delicious 2.

Cook, Serve, Delicious 2 - How to Start Your First Day

Below, we'll teach you everything you need to know in order to start your first day in Cook, Serve, Delicious 2.

The first thing you need to know when learning how to start your first day in Cook, Serve, Delicious 2 is how to navigate through the game’s various menu options. This can be strange at first, as you’re limited to keyboard commands (unless you’re playing with a controller, which we don’t recommend as of right now).

To select something in the Cook, Serve, Delicious 2 menu, you use Space Bar. You can move between options using your arrow keys, or W, A, S, D. To go back to a previous section, use the Backspace key. These commands can also be viewed at the bottom of your screen.

You can view your keyboard navigation options at the bottom of your screen in Cook, Serve, Delicious 2.

To start your first day in Cook, Serve, Delicious 2, you’ll need to make your way over to the Campaign section. This can be done by using your Space Bar to select the Campaign tab as indicated by a puffy chef’s hat. After selecting Campaign, you’ll be taken to a different dropdown menu.

At the top of the menu is “Tower” which is what you want to select to begin the day. However, we recommend heading down to the Tutorials section as indicated by a college cap. Here, you’ll be able to learn some of the basics before you begin your first day.

Once you’ve run through the game’s Tutorials section, hit Backspace to head back to the previous menu, then select the Tower option to begin your first day in Cook, Serve, Delicious 2. The Tower section will take you to a large menu with various restaurants and food establishments. In the beginning, only two of these will be unlocked. We recommend sticking with the first option aptly named “Cook, Serve, Delicious.”

In the beginning, only two restaurant options will be available to you in Cook, Serve, Delicious 2.

After selecting your restaurant, you’ll be able to build your own menu. You need to build this menu to completion in order to start your first day. To build your menu, use your arrow keys to head down to the “Edit Entrees” section. This will allow you to edit the three large circles that make up your available Entrees. In the beginning, only three Entrees will be available to you: Cereal, Salisbury Steak, and and Pretzels.

Once you've filled each of the three circles with an Entree, you’ll need to head back (we did this by pressing the “Escape” key) to the listed menu options and select “Edit Sides.” In the beginning, your only option for Sides is Macaroni and Cheese. Select this, then head back and select the “Edit Drinks” option. Again, the only option for Drinks is Soda. Select Soda, then head back to the menu.

Before you can start your first day in Cook, Serve, Delicious 2, you'll need to prepare your menu options.

With your Entrees, Sides, and Drinks sections all filled, you can now select the “Start Day” option. In doing so, you’ll be able to start your first day in Cook, Serve, Delicious 2. Note that at this point, you may find yourself confused when it comes to actually “starting” the day. To do this, you’ll need to hit Tab and the number 1 at the same time. This will bring up your Holding Station.

The only option available in your Holding Station is Pretzels. Prepare your Pretzels by hitting the “C” key to prepare Classic Pretzels. In doing so, you’ll fill your Hold Station with 6 Pretzels. Whenever a customer comes in asking for Classic Pretzels, you won’t have to prep anything.

In order to actually start your first day in Cook, Serve, Delicious 2, you'll need to first prepare something in your Holding Station.

All you have to do is select their respective number on the left to serve them their food. Once your Holding Station is empty, you’ll need to hit Tab and the number 1 again to replenish your Holding Station. Other than that, you’ll find that your first day in Cook, Serve, Delicious 2 to be standard to what you experienced in the first game.

And there you have it, a look at how to start your first day in Cook, Serve, Delicious 2. How did you do on your first day? Let us know in the comments below!

By reading through this guide, you should now know how to start your first day in Cook, Serve, Delicious 2.

Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.

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