Amazing Indie Game Cosplay

Check out the hard work and dedication of these amazing indie game cosplayers.

When you love a game, be it indie or triple-A, sometimes you have to demonstrate that love by dressing up as your favorite characters. If you've ever attended a large convention like the infamous New York Comic Con or even an anime convention like Fanime (which is one of our personal favorite conventions), you've undoubtedly seen at least one or two video game cosplayers. After all, there are so many incredible characters to show your love and support for—indie games included!

As such, we've compiled a list of some indie game cosplayers who we found particularly impressive!

Don’t Starve: Willow

Put together by DeviantArt user cheipancake, the details of her prop lighter, flower wreath, and use of contacts (which probably weren't very comfy), are simply superb. If you haven't played Don't Starve, we highly recommend checking it out on Steam and giving the firestarting Willow a try! 

Papers, Please: Border Patrol

This gentleman not only put together an impressive Papers, Please cosplay complete with the full border desk itself, he also had stamps and papers. That's correct, this cosplayer was apparently so in character that he could be seen applying stamps to citizens wishing to enter the glorious land of Arstotzka! If you haven't played Papers, Please yet, you can purchase it over on Steam

SMITE: Thanatos

This cosplayer takes SMITE cosplay to an entirely new, and staggeringly jaw-dropping level with his Thanatos cosplay. Created by DeviantArt user JuicyAndWet, we sat here for several minutes simply marveling at the level of detail and intricacy that went into making this! If you haven't played SMITE, it's completely free, and you can learn more about the game over on the offical SMITE website

Life is Strange: Chloe and Max

Check out this adorable Life is Strange cosplay duo of protagonists Chloe and Max courtesy of DeviantArt user SatsuMadAtelier. The photo really represents the bond between these two characters, and it's amazing that they nailed both the outfits and expressions down. If you haven't played Life is Strange, the first episode is free over on Steam.

Life is Strange: Max

To continue our Life is Strange cosplay references, we also found individual cosplays of both Max and Chloe. Starting off, we have this lovely photo of Max by DeviantArt user DariaAmbrosia complete with her vintage camera. This cosplayer even went so far as to capture a scene from the game where Max takes a photograph of a deer (now that's commitment)! 

Life is Strange: Chloe

And then we have this absolutely gorgeous cosplay of Chloe found on the official Life is Strange subreddit. It's apparent that this cosplay photo was taken professionally and polished using a program such as PhotoShop. Browsing through the subreddit where this image was found, it was difficult to find the source of the girl in the photo. But either way, we think this cosplay is both beautiful and wonderfully professional!  

Continued on Page 2

Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.


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