Assassin's Creed Origins Discovery Tour teaches you about ancient Egypt for free

That's pharoah them.

Historically accurate accuracy simulator Assassin’s Creed is taking another step towards becoming the history lesson you always wanted with Discovery Tour.

The new game mode will allow players to take a timeout from slashing throats and poisoning wine to learn everything about ancient Egypt from guided tours.

This is a free roam mode with no combat or story to distract you from learning about how they pulled brains out of people’s heads before they mummified them.

There are reportedly dozens of guided tours curated by historians and Egyptologists, with a focus on different aspects of Ptolemaic Egypt, such as the Great Pyramids, mummification or the life of Cleopatra.

Discovery Tour will be a free update for Origins players in early 2018, but the game itself will be here on October 27.


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