Sea of Thieves' final, open beta goes live today on Xbox One and PC

A last chance to try the pirate life for free.

Avast mateys, as today marks the start of Sea of Thieves’ last beta before launch.

The open beta goes live today and is available for anyone on Xbox One and Windows 10 to jump in and form a crew.

The beta’s running from now until 2am Sunday, March 11. Rare want to hit a bigger scale than they’ve tested before, so this will be the first real chance to see how the servers will hold up on launch. Rare are expecting their may be a few issues, so remain patient if so.

Other additions include the Merchant Alliance Guild who you can now earn missions from, as well as skeletons filling in forts on the various islands.

The Merchant Alliance will ask you collect various animals from across the map before karting them back to the guild. Along the way you’ll need to care for the animals as well as fending off other pirates who are looking for a share of the loot. The Merchants join the Gold Hoarders who’ve appeared in previous betas, but the mysterious Order of Souls have been kept under wraps for now.

Skeleton forts will appear around the map, highlighted by a skull-shaped cloud with glowing eyes in the air nearby. You can raid these for some hefty loot, but will need to watch out for other groups who’re looking for the same gear.

Grabbing the beta is simple enough, but there’s a guide to installation here. There’s no NDA this time round, so feel free to record as much footage as you’d like. Happy pirating!

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at, or catch him on Twitter.


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