Elden Ring: Weathered Map location guide

Learn where to find the Weathered Map location in Elden Ring to progress a certain sinister NPC's questline.

Peruse the shop of Pidia, Carian Servent in Elden Ring and you may pick up the Weathered Map. This tattered fragment is one of the trickiest hints to follow. The Elden Ring Weathered Map directs you to a location quite far from the seller, and the image is difficult to see clearly. In this guide, we’ll show you where to find the Weathered Map location in Elden Ring as well as explaining what the item waiting for you is used for.

Elden Ring: Weathered Map location guide

Elden Ring Weathered Map location guide
© FromSoftware

The Weathered Map is obtained from Pidia, the servant of Preceptor Seluvis. They’re found south of the Three Sisters area by jumping off the cliff edge onto the roof near Seluvis’ Rise. If you’ve already progressed Ranni’s story, Pidia may be killed by his dolls when you arrive. You can then collect his Bell Bearing instead and take it to the Twin Maiden Husks at Roundtable Hold to purchase the Weathered Map.

Once you have the guide, the Elden Ring Weathered Map location is found in the Altus Plateau. It’s a short trip northeast of the Altus Highway Junction Site of Grace. We’ve highlighted its location on the map below. If you’ve taken the Grand Lift of Dectus to reach the Altus Plateau for the first time, you just need to follow the main highway until you reach the large stairs with soldiers which will fire arrows down on you from afar. If you arrive from Ruin-Strewn Precipice, you’ll need to follow the cliffs south first to the Grand Lift.

where to find the weathered map location elden ring
© FromSoftware

Turn left before the steps and head directly north, into the canyon and then cave entrance. Within the open-topped cave you’ll find several land octopuses and Sacramental Buds around the item you’re after: Amber Starlight.

Elden Ring Amber Starlight use

Elden Ring weathered map amber starlight uses
© FromSoftware

Amber Starlight is a key item in the NPC Preceptor Seluvis’ questline. Interact with him at Seluvis’ Rise and aid (or trick him) in his potion research or uncover his hidden chambers and he’ll allow you to purchase a puppet spirit. He’ll inform you of a scheme to turn even a demigod into a puppet, but note that he needs Amber Starlight to achieve his aim.

Preceptor Seluvis is a pretty awful person, as you may have figured out by this point, but giving him the Amber Starlight will reward you with the Magic Scorpion Charm which boosts your magic damage at the cost of damage negation. If you don’t want to turn on Ranni, you can stop following his quest at this point.

That’s everything there is to know about the Weathered Map location in Elden Ring. If you’re after further NPC quests, we have a full guide to Fia, Deathbed companion for you to follow and unlock an alternate ending to the game.

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at henry@moonrock.biz, or catch him on Twitter.


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