2021 Game Devs of Color Expo kicks off September 23

The sixth annual GDoC Expo is starting tomorrow, completely online

The Game Devs of Color Expo for 2021 is an entirely online show that kicks off on Thursday, September 23 and comes to a close on September 27. 

Game Devs of Color Expo is the sixth iteration of an annual event that seeks to elevate marginalized voices in the gaming industry. It was founded by Catt Small and Chris Algoo in 2016 as a space to build access to knowledge, funding, and opportunities for marginalized developers. The show has seen exponential growth in the ensuing five years, and is completely online this year to keep the streak alive while keeping people safe.

The Expo will begin at 12 p.m. EDT with the Game Devs of Color Expo Direct. This showcase will feature exclusive updates and announcements from over 30 games. Beyond that, the expo will have panels, networking sessions, talks, interviews, and an award ceremony on Sunday night where six creators/teams will win $25,000 grants. 

To attend the Game Devs of Color Expo, attendees need to purchase tickets. There are several pricing options available. A standard pass that covers the full conference duration is $50, but those who can't afford that can opt for the $20 pass instead. Attendees who want to provide some extra financial support to the show can buy the $100 Supporter Pass. This one is ideal for corporate visitors, or anyone that just wants to lend an extra hand to the organizers. 

Alongside the Game Devs of Color Expo, Steam is also running another Gradient Convergence event. Gradient Convergence goes live on Steam starting September 23, and features a curated selection of over 50 games on Steam with demos, discounts, and live streams from various developers. The event on Steam is completely free and open to the public. It ends with Game Devs of Color Expo on September 27.


Ty is a freelance writer who bounces around the web. They love indie games, Bayonetta, and monstrous women and can be found covering all of the above. They're also the EIC and resident thembo of Uppercut.


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