Valorant Pride card codes and how to claim them

Unlock Valorant Pride cards and titles using our complete list of codes.

Pride month is here and the Valorant Agents are keen to celebrate it with a series of new Pride cards and titles available to unlock for free. Valorant Pride cards and titles include banners for non-binary, asexual, lesbian, trans players and more. If you’re excited to celebrate online, we’ll teach you all the Valorant Pride codes for cards and titles you can redeem to use in game.

Valorant Pride card codes and how to claim them

Valorant Pride cards codes titles how to claim them
© Riot

To claim the Valorant Pride cards and titles, you’ll need to head to the code redemption page on the Valorant website here. You’ll need to sign in with the same Riot Games account you use to play Valorant. Once logged in, you can enter the codes shown below in full capitals to claim Valorant Pride cards and titles. Codes are available for the entirety of June.

Valorant Pride title codes

  • JUBILANT01 - Proud Title
  • JUBILANT02 - Ally Title

Valorant Pride card codes

  • PRISMATIC - Pride/Rainbow Pride card
  • SUNSET - Bisexual Pride card
  • SHERBET - Lesbian Pride card
  • PRIMARY - Pansexual Pride card
  • TWILIGHT - Asexual Pride card
  • GALACTIC - Non-Binary Pride card
  • COTTONCANDY - Trans Pride card

Those are all the Valorant Pride card and title codes we know of. As far as we can tell you can register as many of them as you want. All codes will remain active throughout June, so be sure to claim them while you can if you want to share your pride or support for Pride month while playing online. 

In addition to the Pride month cards and titles, Valorant players can still claim the Duality Card using the code YTILAUD. If you’ve tried to receive the card already and are getting a message saying you’ve already registered it, the Valorant devs promise that they’re working on a fix.

With the Valorant Pride card codes above, you can show your passion while competing online. Be sure to share the codes with any other friends looking to celebrate Pride month or show support as an ally. For more Valorant goodness, check out our roundup of highlights from the recent Masters Reykjavík event.

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at, or catch him on Twitter.

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