Genshin Impact Lost Riches event sends you on a treasure hunt with a friend

Details for the Genshin Impact Lost Riches event and how to dig up those Iron Coins for easy rewards.

The Genshin Impact Lost Riches event has begun, sending you off on a treasure hunt to unlock a cute little companion and a bunch of nice rewards.

If you're looking for all the details on the Genshin Impact Lost Riches event then we've got a brief summary of how to get started, what you can get and some tips on finding those Iron Coins below.

Genshin Impact Lost Riches event details

Genshin Impact Lost Riches
Find Ulman over by Stone Gate and pick up a treasure book to get started.

The Genshin Impact Lost Riches event treasure hunt runs from January 8 to January 18 (4am server time), and the Event Store will stay open for you to spend your Iron Coins until January 22 (4am server time).

To start the Lost Riches event, head to Stone Gate on the path to Liyue and talk to Ulman, there he is above standing next to some tables by the tea shop. He'll hand you a treasure book with locations that you can head to and find Iron Coins to dig up.

The treasure book will give you two new areas to search for treasure each day, up to a total of 14 locations. The locations show up on your map as a search circle and you can equip the Treasure-Seeking Seelie from your Inventory to be directed where to go. If you complete an area then check the treasure book for a hint to a special treasure with extra Primogems.

If you pick up 360 Iron Coins then you can exchange them for the Event Store's full inventory of Primogems (300) and that's fairly easy to accomplish.

If you want to unlock a pet Mini Seelie, you can only choose from one of the three colors for 280 coins. Careful choosing though as once you pick one, the other two will disappear from the store. Then spend the rest of the Iron Coins you find on Hero's Wit, Enhacement Ores and Mora.


Chris is the captain of the good ship AllGamers, which would explain everything you're seeing here. Get in touch to talk about work or the $6 million Echo Slam by emailing or finding him on Twitter. 

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