All training manual locations in The Last of Us Part 2

To unlock all upgrade paths in The Last of Us Part 2, you'll need to track down all the training manuals.

If you wanna act tough, you need the skills and smarts to back it up. In The Last of Us Part 2, upgrade paths are discovered by hunting down training manuals scattered throughout Seattle and beyond. If you want to unlock every power Ellie can get, you’ll need to learn all the training manual locations in The Last of Us Part 2. Some of these can be easily missed, but fortunately for you, we’ve already found them.

All training manual locations in The Last of Us Part 2

Training manuals are one of the rarest collectible items you’ll find in The Last of Us Part 2, so the guide below skips through the game pretty quickly. We’ve kept spoilers to a minimum, but be warned of minor details about environments and chapters cropping up. Interestingly, the training manuals can be found in several locations, but you could easily miss them too. To avoid you missing out on lovely upgrades (we've got a full list of the skills you can get right here), we’ve listed the different places we found them below:

Prepper training manual locations

Training Manual Locations in The Last of Us Part 2
© Naughty Dog

Chapter: Downtown, Seattle Day 1

Unlocks: Crafting skill tree

This manual can be found near the fire truck on the broken bridge (rappel down and swing into the overturned truck), or in the tent with the workbench at the western edge of the area. In addition, when you get round to entering the Courthouse to grab some gasoline, you can make your way to the basement office which is next to the lifts (smash the window to enter) and find it there if you missed it elsewhere.

Survival training manual locations

All training manuals in the last of us part 2
© Naughty Dog

Chapter: Downtown/Capitol Hill, Seattle Day 1

Unlocks: Stealth skill tree

Once you’ve collected the gas and passed the fuck Fedra gate, you’ll enter the Serevena hotel. You can find this training manual when you go up one floor and enter the first door here, near a coffee filter. You can also find this manual in the Capitol Hill section. It’s available in the bookstore near the gas station (you can also grab the Doctor Stem trading card here).

Sportsman training manual locations

Where to find training manuals in the last of us part 2
© Naughty Dog

Chapter: Hillcrest, Seattle Day 2.

Unlocks: Precision skill tree

Once Day 2 kicks off you’ll make your way through some shopping areas and have dogs introduced as an enemy. After passing through a room with a workbench, you should find a shopping area with the Goldstar Liquor shop on your right. Jump inside and fall down through the hole inside. Fall through the hole into the basement and make your way through this area until you pop out in a toy store. The manual is sitting on the floor next to a body.

Chemistry training manual locations

Chapter: On the way to the hospital, Seattle Day 2

Unlocks: Explosives skill tree

As Ellie sets out toward the hospital you’ll pass the Kingsgate Brewing bar (with some unpleasant sorts inside) and head up the street. On your left will be an apartment block with a van parked next to some steps up. Head up the steps then look down to the right for the entrance, or climb up on the vans either side of the building to make your way inside. Upstairs, enter the bedroom on the right (from the stairs) and you can find the manual on the bed here. 

If you don’t find it here, you can get it again further down the line. After meeting the Seraphites for the first time, you’ll need to climb a mossy van inside a building to head to the upper floor. Jump over the gap to the back part of the upper floor and you can find the manual here.

David vs Goliath training manual locations

Chapter: On Foot

Unlocks: Covert Ops skill tree

We’re still working on getting the full details for this training manual.

Close Quarters training manual locations

Chapter: Hostile Territory

Unlocks: Close Quarters skill tree

We’re still working on getting the full details for this training manual.

Firearms training manual locations

We’re still working on getting the full details for this training manual.

Ordnance training manual locations

We’re still working on getting the full details for this training manual.

Those are all the training manual locations we’ve discovered so far. We’ll update this guide once we know more about the latter game manuals you can obtain. For more guides for The Last of Us Part 2, head over to our game hub by clicking here.

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Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at, or catch him on Twitter.

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